How-to videos coming soon

We all enjoy playing around with TapBookAuthor, exploring its feature-set on our own, but now and then, we just want a quick and easy to understand solution. So to ensure that you get the most out of TapBookAuthor, we are in the process of creating some easy-to-follow how-to videos to explain usage scenarios and stuff you can do with TapBookAuthor.

In addition to this, you will see text-articles explaining the more advanced concepts coming your way. Some of these articles might be written by the TapBookAuthor-community (or based on the stuff we are surprised when we see you do) – in many cases, you have done way cooler stuff with our tool than we had dreamt of.

Our ambition is to have at least a two digit number of useful howto-videos live before we see snow in Norway (which may be earlier than you would guess!) and certainly over 25 by the end of 2013. Keep coming back here to see them as they are published. We will tag them all with a specific tag and category, making it super-simple to find a listing. And you can also get the videos from the YouTube channel or directly from the video listing on our web page.