We are going to do a little series of info on our team. We start off with the developer (not counting our CEO) that has been with us the longest, Luci.
Name: Lucian Corduneanu
Title: Software Developer
Specialties: Proud to be first developer hired. I had the pleasure to work with Sondre, who is a great mentor and teacher. Now we have a bigger team and I’m doing the local coordination and support as needed. I have experience building frontend systems with java, GWT, smartGWT, HTML, CSS, JS as well as backend systems with java, jsp, hibernate, mySQL
Background: “Politehnica”, Automation and Computer Science Faculty, Timisoara, Romania. Cisco CCNA.
Fun fact: I was riding my bike, through a nearby park, which is typically full of children playing, thus, with moderate speed. I had my phone in the right hand talking, when a cute little girl cut my way. I had to use my left hand for a quick break, but the speed was optimal for a perfect flip over the front wheel type of fall. Nobody, except me was hurt, so use the left hand to talk while riding the bike.